Same basis, interactive using the Makey Makey to control a game. But now ... BOOKS!! The concept of consuming knowledge and that knowledge is power and to have a broad scope of knowledge. I want to have a bookcase with shelves of books to be my interactive object.
The bookshelf should convey a certain ambiance with the books most of the shelves but some of the shelves will have tchotchkes on it. I want it to convey a diverse range of interests, and books that can change a persons perception of things, like history to a random facts book, the fiction book Handmaiden's Tale, the Bible, and Human Anatomy. Books that offer a glimpse into a different perspective or way of thinking.
Here were some of our comments from the first small group critique: Using the makey makey - represents consumption of knowledge, knowledge is power - you like random facts, having a basis for every conversation, likes learning. In the game (displayed on the monitor in the bookshelf) has a character that consumes books, and gives random facts after so many books are eaten; Need to figure out WHO the character is; This definition of "knowledge:" awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation (really interesting starting point); the difference between a lived experience vs. words, history, etc. think about knowledge vs. literacy; look at the impact of the Guttenberg press; think hard also about the aesthetics (of the books vs. the screen) also the way the installation / shelves / books "look" (or feel, smell, etc.) - what are you recreating in the "library?" The game play and reward are important!