Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New Concept (Woo!) 9/25/13

Same basis, interactive using the Makey Makey to control a game. But now ... BOOKS!! The concept of consuming knowledge and that knowledge is power and to have a broad scope of knowledge. I want to have a bookcase with shelves of books to be my interactive object.

The picture shows a bookshelf with a space for a monitor and four books that are different colors. The game play is to have a character at the bottom of the screen and try to catch books(knowledge) and after after catching so many books a display comes up with a random fact and asks if the user wants to continue. The two books on either side of the monitor will be used to control back and forth motion and the bottom two controllers will deal with starting the game, ending it and continuing forward.

The bookshelf should convey a certain ambiance with the books most of the shelves but some of the shelves will have tchotchkes on it. I want it to convey a diverse range of interests, and books that can change a persons perception of things, like history to a random facts book, the fiction book Handmaiden's Tale, the Bible, and Human Anatomy. Books that offer a glimpse into a different perspective or way of thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Here were some of our comments from the first small group critique: Using the makey makey - represents consumption of knowledge, knowledge is power - you like random facts, having a basis for every conversation, likes learning. In the game (displayed on the monitor in the bookshelf) has a character that consumes books, and gives random facts after so many books are eaten; Need to figure out WHO the character is; This definition of "knowledge:" awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation (really interesting starting point); the difference between a lived experience vs. words, history, etc. think about knowledge vs. literacy; look at the impact of the Guttenberg press; think hard also about the aesthetics (of the books vs. the screen) also the way the installation / shelves / books "look" (or feel, smell, etc.) - what are you recreating in the "library?" The game play and reward are important!
